Lots of fun(gal) updates!

So, it’s been a minute since we’ve updated the website… here’s what you missed.

Big e komo mai to Quinn Moon, Giulia Marenco Di Moriondo, and Reese Tsubota who have stepped in to help with culturing and with our phytoplankton pathogen studies.  Glad you’re here!

Ronja received funding to present at SACNAS in Puerto Rico later this month, depending on the recovery situation there.

Syrena got funding for and presented at the Gordon Conference on Marine Microbes in Switzerland!  

Anthony took a new position in the Pacific Biosciences Research Center, a unit within the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology.  The biggest change is that has assumed leadership of the Integrated Center of Environmental Microbiomes and Human Health, a Center of Biomedical Excellence funded by the NIH.  

In funding news, NSF gave the thumbs up on our Rules of Life proposal to study the role of Microbes in food web efficiency and complexity.  This 5 year grant is in collaboration with Nicole Hynson, Peter Sadowski and Matt Medeiros, and will use experimental microcosms to gain a mechanistic understanding of microbial roles in food webs.  We’ve started characterizing Bromeliad invertebrate and microbial communities to build up our understanding of this simple food web. Stay tuned for more on this.

Oh, yeah, we published a bunch of papers, check it out:

Amend, A. S., Swift, S. O., Darcy, J. L., Belcaid, M., Nelson, C. E., Buchanan, J., … & Hynson, N. A. (2022). A ridge-to-reef ecosystem microbial census reveals environmental reservoirs for animal and plant microbiomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences119(33), e2204146119.

Read more about this here

Darcy, J. L., Amend, A. S., Swift, S. O., Sommers, P. S., & Lozupone, C. A. (2022). specificity: an R package for analysis of feature specificity to environmental and higher dimensional variables, applied to microbiome species data. Environmental microbiome17(1), 1-12.

Tipton, L., Zahn, G. L., Darcy, J. L., Amend, A. S., & Hynson, N. A. (2022). Hawaiian fungal amplicon sequence variants reveal otherwise hidden biogeography. Microbial ecology83(1), 48-57.

Boekhout, T., Amend, A. S., El Baidouri, F., Gabaldón, T., Geml, J., Mittelbach, M., … & Yurkov, A. (2021). Trends in yeast diversity discovery. Fungal Diversity, 1-47.

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